Sunday, March 16, 2008

YouTube, iTunes and free education

Okay so here I am this past weekend, trying to get into the flow of Social Marketing and much to my surprise I am finding that I am learning about things I never knew existed on the internet!

Here I was at Digg and came across Top 10 Universities With the Best Free Online Courses. This sounds interesting so I check it out. And from there I find Free Online Courses from Great Universities which can be downloaded as podcasts through iTunes no less. It's getting even more interesting. From there I end up at YouTube where I find Berkeley University at California courses. By now I am hooked on all this free education!

Okay so these are courses you won't get any credits for and they probably are a bit lacking from the full classroom courses, but still, can one really complain? Everything from Anthropology to Physics. Most of the stuff comes from places we would only dream about attending: Stanford, UCLA, Yale etc. MIT was really most impressive at 1800 online courses as well as a nice variety of High School Student geared courses, geared toward Advanced Placement.

My son decided he is going to sign up for Japanese and Kitchen Chemisty.

As for me, I'm starting with the Search Engine Berkeley Courses at Youtube and The Future Of the Internet iTunes Podcast from Stanford.

Not bad for not having to step out of the house or open my wallet huh?

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